Justin Bieber on the crazy rumors!

Justin Biebr answer all crazy rumor going around him ... Even as he answers in the most shocking to him, Pattie Lynn Mallett in Playboy? Do not think so . :/

The pic. we love!

Just thought that I would upload some pictures of JBiebs, a bit fast, too soon I'll go and meet friends, enjoy the pictures we Belibers love ...

My favorite! Soo sweet!

Pic. of today!


BadBoyBieber is a great nickname for this side of Justin! He's presentation to David Reynolds.. To hit somebody is a new version... NO JUST KIDDING!! Haha, look at this video and you will under stand.. ''BadBoyBieber'' was something I just made up right now! Still love you just as much BABE! ♥

New Photo shoot!

Just found a new photo shoot of Jbiebs.. It was realy nice.. My favourite is the one when you see the HOLE body ;) Yours? Comment... ANd if you whant a photo then you must say that to me by comments, and ill make a post with just that pic. (or those pic.)

Pic. of today!

Goodnight! I'm pretty tired so ill just go to sleep! Today has been a very nice day whit a lot of sun and a lot of Justin Bieber... And a lot of Twitter... Se yall tomorrow, whit a new day, new opportunities, and new pic. and vid. of Justin Bieber! Yeah, and I forgott.. The pic. of today! ZzzZzz

Red Bull Boy!

Just found this very funny vid. with Justin Bieber (ofcourse!) And Christian Beadles! The are drinking Red Bull like crazy!

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